ELISA Fast Coating Buffer

In conventional ELISA protocol, coating of capture antibodies on ELISA plates takes the maximum time. To reduce the time involved in coating procedure, we have developed a fast coating buffer with comparable efficiency to regular coating buffer (PBS/ sodium bicarbonate). Efficient coating of capture antibodies on ELISA plates is achieved in 30 min. Capture antibody stability and kit performance is not compromised up on storage at 2-8 oC for up to 3 months.

Fig. 1: ELISA plates were coated with mouse anti-human relaxin-2 antibody using conventional coating buffer (overnight) or NovateinBio’s Fast Coating Buffer (30 min). Incubation time and temperature of remaining steps was not altered.

Detailed protocol:

  • Dilute 10 ml ELISA fast coating buffer to 100 ml with deionized water.
  • Dilute the capture antibody to 2X concentration in 1X PBS.
  • Add equal volume of 1X fast coating buffer to 2X capture antibody solution to make 1X capture antibody solution.
  • Immediately, dispense 100 ul in to the wells of the ELISA plate and incubate for 30 min at room temperature
  • Wash the plate 3 times with 300 ul buffer
  • Proceed to sample incubation as mentioned by the ELISA kit manufacturer

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